Beyond the Boardwalk...
Only Mother Nature has a clue about what's going on under our Toronto Beaches boardwalk. It's all very low-rise here. We can still sing our memories on this Canada Day as we stroll in a welcome breeze. School's finally out in Canada, so the beach will be filled with people everywhere. Not in this pic, of course. There's evidence here of playful children on the beach and a distant rock-standing couple surveys a sail on the even more distant horizon. I know that couple. I walked to my bench-side bench with them. You can't see me, but I was resting and humming the Drifters' well-known song.I was also wondering about this particular boardwalk... and through the magic of my trusty iPhone and expanded data plan I found this article in a past issue of Metro News.
If this isn't nice, what is?
~ Kurt Vonnegut, of course