Banking some green...
Yes, summer has extended herself where I live, with an expected 29°C expected for this day. But we all know October's balmy days will soon give way to frostier times and bring the bright colours of autumn we all love. I offer here some radiant greens to hold in our hearts after those reds and oranges and yellows give up their ghosts to winter's eventual crystalline charms.This lush aeonium arboreum lives in a pot soaking up some rays along with the rain in my friend's Nanoose Bay garden on Vancouver Island, BC. Wikipedia tells me these succulents are also called tree houseleeks and Irish roses, both easier to say eh?
It really helps that I have friends who know how to see such beauty in their worlds AND how to produce remarkable images to share with the rest of us. Thank you, Terri, for letting me use this image—one of your many that make us all envious of your western move.
If this isn't nice, what is?
~ Kurt Vonnegut, of course