Monday, May 28, 2018


Europe's started it... and now I'm on board, too!

I've never had a public privacy policy before, but I've always guarded the names and email addresses of those who subscribe to my monthly calendar emails. I eventually trusted MailChimp enough to trust them with that personal data. Now even I have a privacy policy. It's boring, of course, but you can find a link to it here.

I don't collect any data at all from this blog. Google has their own privacy policy for Blogger, so that covers the people who come here to browse my calendar archieves and even those people who just stumble upon my blog.

I decided to make a graphic because we all deserve something a little less boring... and I'm still entranced with this fancy-pants font. I even included today's date as the red-letter day. There's also the usual higher resolution version if you should want a different desktop for these last few days before June busts out all over.

See ya next week.
If this isn't nice, what is?

              ~ Kurt Vonnegut, of course