Constantly Seeking Teals...
Remember when
I told you
About my love
Of this colour?
And you know
I often use it
In my missives
To you…
Like how it
Matches my kitchen…
How it can
Ignite wonder…
I’ve also told you
About how
I rediscovered
All blues
When the dark veil
Of cataracts
Was lifted.
This month
I’m using this colour
To invite you
To join me
In taking some
Colour walks
To rediscover
How the daily
Wonder of colour
Our every step.
I’m starting today’s
Colour walk
With this…
My bathmat rug…
One of my first
Every day.
It’s my bath mat rug
I bought it when
I still had those cataracts
And I thought
It was this colour
During my cataract surgery
I chanted to be able
To see ALL my colours
Clearly again...
Imagine my surprise...
And wonder...
And appreciation...
When I came home
After my surgery
To find my bathmat
Is the colour
I had been looking for
All along!
If this isn't nice, what is?
~ Kurt Vonnegut, of course