Monday, September 30, 2024

Oct 2024

Equinoxes give me pause...

Every year
When Druids gather
To adjust Stone Henge
To align with the arrival
And departure of DST
I pause to ponder
The actual astonishing
Idea of equinoxes…
Tho they are not themselves
Honoured by our clocks.
Pausing to ponder now
Is really a part of noticing
Nature vs our
Human-made observances.

In Springtime we rejoice
And celebrate the lengthening days
And see things like
Crocuses and daffodils
As they give way
To dandelions and their
Far-floating puffs of fluff.

Then we swelter
And complain,
Of course.

But that all transforms
Yet again
As the Autumnal equinox
Brings us shorter days again
But also
Gives us dahlias...
Like these from Kelley.
She tells me dahlias
Are Autumn’s peonies!
She takes lots of pix
Of all the glorious flowers
She says she buys herself
Because they just
Make her so happy.

Kelley’s many flowers also
Make me so happy…
And I offer these to you
For your own happiness
To share the joy
Of our new season.

Rejoice now.
We can wait til after
The snow flies
To complain again…
And remember
The promises
Of the equinoxes.

If this isn't nice, what is?

              ~ Kurt Vonnegut, of course


Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sept 2024

School Days. School Days...

Today is the next-to-last day
Of the Ex (CNE)
And the Air Show
Roars nearby each day now.
I can see it from
My balcony…
Tho the formations
Aren’t really formations
From here.
The end of the Ex
Marks the beginning
Of each fresh new school year.
That always triggers
Memories of my own first day
In San Antonio.
I later attended schools
In Lubbock, Fort Worth,
Bartonville, and Arlington
Before returning to San Antonio
For high school
At Thomas Jefferson HS
And college at the tiny perfect
Trinity University.

I loved my art classes at Trinity
But in nice weather
I sometimes cut class
To hang out at the zoo.
Seems there was no penalty
As long as I presented the day’s sketches
To my drawing prof.

Today’s calendar resulted
From just such a day circa 1963.
I was sketching this pelican
When her keeper approached
And looked over my shoulder.
He told me the bird’s name was
Yes… Molly.
Molly suddenly
Started squawking
And stomping about
In high dudgeon.
Seems she was irate
With her keeper for
Talking with me
Instead of feeding her!
Here are some of that day’s sketches.

Just one bird
In several views.
I called the resulting
Linocut “Molly’s Moods.”
You’ll see a print featured
On the entrance wall
Of my senior one-man show.

I have recently unearthed
The actual lino
And have found myself
Tempted to try printing again.
I haven’t done it yet,
But newspaper feels
Just so tempting.
What do you think?

If this isn't nice, what is?

              ~ Kurt Vonnegut, of course

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Aug 2024

A Holiday for Batman...

Batman was born in Berkeley
Some 14 years ago
And he adopted Kate
Just a few weeks later.

He enjoyed his 2nd-floor home
In leafy Berkeley
For three years, when
They moved to 3rd-floor brownstone
In urban Brooklyn…
Then onward to a cliff-top
New Jersey 20th floor aerie…
Overlooking another cityscape
And west to the hills.

He’s explored a few nearby parks
Riding in his carrier
Wearing a little harness
When he felt like
Venturing onto the actual
Earth and her grasses.

He has joined Kate and David
For this summer’s extended
Holiday near that Berkley beginning…
This time in a 1st-floor apartment
That seems to have been designed
As a photo setting just for him.
There are lots of leafy trees
And chatty passers-by…
And there’s even a fancy peacock,
Named Fancy,
That wanders around and swoops up trees!

Sooooo much for Batman to see.

Isn’t that what we all want
On our own holidays?
   A change of scenery…
   Some adventure…
   A brand new
   Point of view
   On Life’s ever-expanding
And it never hurts to have
A remarkable photo setting.

If this isn't nice, what is?

              ~ Kurt Vonnegut, of course


Monday, July 1, 2024

July 24


My Canada Day Habit...

According to my files
I’ve been sending you
Canada Day wishes
For almost a quarter century.
Of course a major part
Of my habit
Is remembering Don Watt.
And my personal memories
Of both the man and his work…
Every, every year.

Kate’s in the habit
Of running at least a mile
Every day.
She admits
She might walk
If she has some health prob...
But she still does
Every, every day.

And on those forays
Both near her home
And further afield,
She is prone to
Taking pix.
She found
These hydrangeas
Close to home
Just a few days ago.
Looky how they love
Don’s flag.
In the link
At the top of the right column
I’ve included a higher res version
Of this Canada Day calendar
For your desktop today…
Along with another version
Sans flag
For the rest of the month,
Should you prefer.
Happy Canada Day!
If this isn't nice, what is?

              ~ Kurt Vonnegut, of course

Saturday, June 1, 2024

June 2024

Irises... not Isises... or Ibises... either sacred or profane... 

I recently learned
I’m called a streaming
This means
I subscribe to a service
For a month or so
To watch new shows
I’ve read about
And new seasons
Of old shows
That I’m already addicted to.
Like Doctor Who.
I think Nchuti Gatwa
Has the best smile
In any universe.
He’s def my new fave

Of course with
Only one episode unfolding
Each week, I’ve got
More time to explore
And it seems I like
Shows about Egyptian
Both past and present.
Yes, I saw the Tut exhibit
At the ROM in 1979…
But I didn’t know
I could get hooked
Til now...
As I watch…
Agog at the tenacity
Of those committed
To literally unearthing
History from the land
Of the pharaohs.

Peter gifted me these
Mini irises for Mum’s Day
And they exploded
Into these wondrous blooms
All at once.
My newfound
Interest in the digs
Brings with it some
Ancient I-words
That keep cropping up
In my ever-present
Crossword puzzles.
My mind wanders…
I do this little digging
Of my own...
For you:
     Iris, a flower
     Isis, a goddess
     Ibisis, a sacred bird

Like Dirk Gently,
The fundamental
Interconnected of
All phenomena
In the universe,

If this isn't nice, what is?

              ~ Kurt Vonnegut, of course

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

May 2024


Beltane... or May Day...

Whatever you choose
As name for today’s
Honoured day,
This is a day of
Ancient celebration.
We may not be ancients
But we do love
That the return of Light
That began in December
And we joyously marked
In March
Is now halfway
Between that Spring Equinox
And Summer’s official start
In June.

June twenty-first
Seems already just
Too hot to say it’s
Summer’s start.
That’s why Beltane
Celebrates the
Beginning of Summer’s

We all go outside
To renew
All our personal
Fave activities
Sans coats
And boots.

Today in my
18th-floor aerie
My balcony netting
Is doing it’s job
Keeping the fog
At bay.
Funny to celebrate
The sun
When I can’t see it…
Or even
The views it usually

But I know it’s there
And I’ll go barefoot

Here’s some
Celebration background
For this day of yore.

If this isn't nice, what is?

              ~ Kurt Vonnegut, of course

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Apr 2024

Spring blooms revel in magenta...

I will never say “pink”
Because pink is so namby pamby.
Well, maybe not hot pink..
But magenta is a major force
By itself… and
Helps make everything
In the world
When it hangs out
With cyan and yellow
And together they let black act
Like the black velvet background
To all of Life’s hues…
And we all say

These magenta offerings
Come from Kate’s bus stop
Near her New Jersey
Clifftop home
That overlooks Hoboken.
In close-up they resemble
The magenta-edged versions
Of magnolias we see
In these northern climes.
But these are something
Much smaller...

As one can see when
Google Maps shows us
A bit wider view
Of that same
Springtime bus stop.

As I look back at my
Floral calendar missives
Over these past 25 years
I see many display themselves
In magentas.
Wondering now:
Is that because Mother Nature
Favours this colour
To prance about with
Her fresh new spring greens?
Or is it just some personal bias
I didn’t know I had.
I knew, of course,
About my teal fixation…
What other biases
Might I harbour
Unknown and

If this isn't nice, what is?

              ~ Kurt Vonnegut, of course