Finding Adventures in the Mundane...
As you know
I’m mostly a TTC gal
And with my back issues
I’m not going out
So often
Or going
So far
As I used to.
Laura, however, is reawakening
My adventurous spirit…
And giving it wheels,
If not wings.
A couple of weeks ago
She borrowed her dad’s car
(Thank you, Brian) and
We went to IKEA
In Etobicoke,
On the west side of Toronto.
Both Toronto IKEA locations
Used to have shuttle buses
To and from the nearest
TTC subway station,
But no more, so this is
A big deal for me…
New small downtown IKEA
We shopped and
Ate lunch,
Then we drove down
To the lake and
I got to show Laura
The house I designed
And built on Lake Promenade
Overlooking Lake Ontario...
Lo those many years ago.
Then I introduced Laura
To Tom’s.
Chocolate soft serve
That’s real ice cream.
Some of you can relate.
I loved my
Adventures in Etobicoke.
In the meantime,
Kate had her own
IKEA adventure in NYC.
She rode an elevator
To Hoboken
And a train to Manhattan
Then caught
A free IKEA ferry
To the Red Hook store
In Brooklyn.
It was a rainy day
And hard to see
Out the ferry’s window
But she did get
A glimpse
Of the Statue of Liberty
And she got to watch
The fire boat playing
In the water...
That you see
In this month’s calendar.
I invite you to explore
Your own mundane
Adventures this month...
Here are a couple of suggestions.
November marks the time
To write your own story.
Why not get started on yours?
Have a great Mo/November
Be sure to remember
While you’re remembering
On the eleventh:
Et al.
His birthday
and pleas
For Humanity
If this isn't nice, what is?
~ Kurt Vonnegut, of course