Monday, September 30, 2024

Oct 2024

Equinoxes give me pause...

Every year
When Druids gather
To adjust Stone Henge
To align with the arrival
And departure of DST
I pause to ponder
The actual astonishing
Idea of equinoxes…
Tho they are not themselves
Honoured by our clocks.
Pausing to ponder now
Is really a part of noticing
Nature vs our
Human-made observances.

In Springtime we rejoice
And celebrate the lengthening days
And see things like
Crocuses and daffodils
As they give way
To dandelions and their
Far-floating puffs of fluff.

Then we swelter
And complain,
Of course.

But that all transforms
Yet again
As the Autumnal equinox
Brings us shorter days again
But also
Gives us dahlias...
Like these from Kelley.
She tells me dahlias
Are Autumn’s peonies!
She takes lots of pix
Of all the glorious flowers
She says she buys herself
Because they just
Make her so happy.

Kelley’s many flowers also
Make me so happy…
And I offer these to you
For your own happiness
To share the joy
Of our new season.

Rejoice now.
We can wait til after
The snow flies
To complain again…
And remember
The promises
Of the equinoxes.

If this isn't nice, what is?

              ~ Kurt Vonnegut, of course